
Monday, December 3, 2012

ByPassing WAF | Advance Methods

Advanced Methods:

Now that you have learned about Basic WAF Bypassing, I think it is good to understand more advanced Methods!

If you do not read my first post on BASIC WAF BYPASSING then read it here Basic Method

1) Buffer Overflow / Firewall Crash:


Many Firewalls are developed in C/C++ and we can Crash them using Buffer Overflow! 1)=(Select 0xAA[..(add about 1000 "A")..])+/*!uNIOn*/+/*!SeLECt*/+1,2,3,4….

    (( You can test if the WAF can be crashed by typing:


    If you get a 500, you can exploit it using the Buffer Overflow Method! ))


2) Replace Characters with their HEX Values:


We can replace some characters with their HEX (URL-Encoded) Values.
Example: /*!u%6eion*/ /*!se%6cect*/ 1,2,3,4….
    (which means “union select”)

Text to Hex Encoder (Choose the “Hex Encoded for URL” result!):

3) Use other Variables or Commands instead of the common ones for SQLi:


Apart from the “UNION SELECT” other commands might be blocked.
Common Commands Blocked:


@@version       | version()
concat()           | concat_ws()  --> Difference between concat() and concat_ws():
group_concat() | concat_ws()

4) Misc Exploitable Functions:


Many firewalls try to offer more Protection by adding Prototype or Strange Functions! (Which, of course, we can exploit!):

    This firewall below replaces “*” (asterisks) with Whitespaces! What we can do is this:*on+sel*ect+1,2,3,4…

    (If the Firewall removes the “*”, the result will be: 15+union+select….)
    So, if you find such a silly function, you can exploit it, in this way! :-D

[+] In addition to the previous example, some other bypasses might be:




    -15+union (select 1,2,3,4…)

I hope this post will clearly understand you how you can bypass the WAF.........

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