
Friday, June 7, 2013

Exploit Facebook Via External Plugins and Modules

# Title: Exploit Facebook Via External Plugins and Modules
# Exploitation: Manually (use your brain ^_^)
# Date: 28/03/2013
# Greetz: Virusa Worm - Man Sykez - BL4ckc0d1n6 and all AnonGhost Memberz
# Author: Mauritania Attacker

For Example my victim is =======>>>

How i could be able to retrieve his password ? easy

Proof of Concept : Facebook Id ====>>> gaturro22

P0C : ======>>>

So as you can see we got the email & the password :


Password: e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e

Another Demo :

So when i try the same method with my profile for example :

It says "Invalid profile link followed!" loool because i didn't clicked on the Like Button so an advice becareful don't like external pages on websites they are

backdoored with a javascript malware that can sniff all your informations

So for example the ID "profile.php" is infected with "Code Disclosure Path" as you can see most of websites nowadays they use plugins of facebook on their websites

especially applications , so the facebook user must allow permission to access to the application and most of the plugins are infected !_!

So if you see that a website has the Like Plugin or use a facebook app you can surely get the passwords of the users no doubt , just use your brain !

Another Example :

Check this : [NickName] => orso44 ===========>>> add this to ============>>> Facebook Profile

[Password] => 5c4e79dd006fb00a07945801234d0dd5 ===========>>> Password Hashed in Md5

Another Victim : ==========>>>

Infos Retrieved :

[_iProfileID] => 7893
[_aProfile] => Array
[datafile] => 1
[ID] => 7893
[NickName] => Kornberg
[Email] =>
[Password] => 087fbfdeb33dae28260cfdb8f2d8a787
[Status] => Active
"id": "862420463",
"name": "Zoe Kornberg",
"first_name": "Zoe",
"last_name": "Kornberg",
"username": "kornberg",
"gender": "female",
"locale": "en_US"

I just selected this user randomly from Facebook and i remarked that she clicked on Like Button and she has been a victim °_° !!!!!!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Email Hacking Scripts

guys this time as i mentioned earlier i was quite busy from a long time so i was unable to post some good content now i decided to provide some good downloadable content and in the serice of which i am sharing some email hacking scripts as i had posted few months ago that how we can use these php scripts for hacking purpose so use them but only for educational purpose