
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Best 3 dos attack tools

hi guys today i will give you guys some of the really efective 

dos tools...

Hive Mind LOIC

Hive Mind LOIC is a version of the Low Ordbit Ion Cannon 

made by Praetox, which was adapted for centralized control 

by NewEraCracker, when the project was then taken on by 

Urijah. The amongst a few fixes added RSS control (Such as 

via Twitter).

Download Hive Mind

Java LOIC - Low Orbit Ion Canon Java Edition

Java LOIC is a clone of LOIC written entirely in java.

Download Java LOIC

Anonymous DOS Tool

What is Anonymous-DoS ?

Anonymous-DoS is a http flood program written in hta and 

javascript, designed

to be lightweight, portable, possible to be uploaded to 

websites whilst still

having a client version, and made for Anonymous ddos 


How does it work ?

It will flood a chosen web server with HTTP connections, 

with enough it will

crash the server, resulting in a denial of service.

Download Anonymous DOS Too

Enjoy Dossing !!!! :D

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