
Wednesday, April 24, 2013



Burp Suit a suit of a number integrated tools which are used for security testing and vulnerability assessment. Burp suit is also used for various hacking purposes and is used by Hackers all around the world.

How to Change Prices of Online Products? (Introduction to Burp Proxy)

Burp Proxy is a tool which is a part of the set of tools integrated in Burp Suit and is used to intercept the traffic between the browser and the target application. This is used to perform a kind of man in the middle attack.


This is effective when the data is not encrypted or a weak encryption is used by the website developer.

 This is strictly for educational purposes.


1. Download the Burpsuite from here.

2. Open the tool and go to the proxy tab and in "options" column make sure "running" and "loopback only" are checked.

3. Now go to the target site and decide the item with whose price you want to play and add that item to your cart.

4. Now go to proxy setting of mozilla (mozilla should be you default browser if you are a techie) and make sure you have following setting.

mozilla configuration for burpsuite
5. Now as you can see below, this how is how your cart and price should look like. hacking, prices of online prodcuts hack
6. Now in the proxy tab, make "interceptor on".
bur proxy
7. Now go to the website and refresh the page, Firefox will ask for confirmation click on "resend" then.

8. Go to burpsuite and your interceptor tab will look something like this if the data is not using encryption.
burp suits tutorial

9. Simply change the price by editing it, I changed it to 0.03$ as you can see below and your task is done!! hacking, prices of online prodcuts hack

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

VMware Workstation 9 Serial Keys Free Download Full

VMWare workstation is a free virtualization product that installs on any existing server or powerful PC hardware and partitions a physical computer or server into multiple virtual machines by abstracting processor, memory, storage and networking resources, and thus able to further fully utilize the hardware and have the flexibility to run another same oroperating system without the need of new computer.

To install VMWare Workstation, users need to have serial number or product key. 

VMware Workstation 8 Serial Key: 

Vmware 9 DownLoaD






VMware Workstation 9 Serial Key: 






A very good tutorial by my friend Solitary Man on Wep Cracking. He has used the tool "fern-wifi-cracker" which is easily avaliable on backtrack 5 R3.

So lets begin ...
Go to backtrack --> exploitation tools --> wireless exploitation tools --> 
WLAN exploitation --> fern-wifi-cracker

Now select the wireless interface you have ( it can be wlan0, wlan1 etc..)

Now there's a button on which you can see wifi logo, click that and it will start the network scanning ( of-course its using airodump here).

Note*: if you double-click anywhere in the tool, you'll get a "settings" dialog box... you can set the channel there and also you can start the xterm.

Now if you see closely, you'll note that the two buttons below the scan button will get enabled, the first button is the WEP cracking button and the second one is for WPA cracking.

Click the button for WEP cracking

After clicking that button, a new dialog box will open. you can select the wep network from the list and then you can select the type of attack i.e arp replay attack, chop-chop attack or fragmentation attack. then click "Attack"...

You'll be able to see the number of ivs are increasing.There's a progress bar at the end of the dialog box.When the progress bar reaches the end, this tool starts aircrack for cracking wifi password

When the password is cracked, it will be shown at the bottom of the dialog box...

(before going further, i suggest you to connect to the internet for this)

Go to "toolbox" --> Geolocatory tracker.

Give the bssid of the AP in the text box and click "Trace".

I think everyone has already guessed what it will show...

YES... INDEED... IT WILL SHOW YOU THE LOCATION OF THE AP ON THE GOOGLE MAPS ... You can see the coordinates as well..

And also you can see in the toolbox, there's a button for cookie hijacking called "cookie hijacker" ..

ok guys so that's it for now... :-)

Comment Below for any help

Tips to secure your Twitter Account

Hacking is a serious issue these days. For example, take the case of recent hacking of NPR’s (National Public Radio) twitter account and erroneous tweets were being made through it.
Twitter reported, last Feb, that about 250,000 twitter accounts were compromised following the attack, which involved many high profile accounts.
This article is about how to safeguard / secure your twitter account.

Following are some tips which I feel, may secure your twitter account:

    1.Think twice before clicking a link:

Phishing is a child’s play these days. People enjoy such stuff. Many a time, we see sort of weird tweets from our friends’ accounts which does not mean that they themselves have posted such stuff, it means they are the victim of phishing attacks. They must have clicked on some spam links or may have provided their account information on any scam website.
The question now arises how to know which link is spam and which is not and the solution is WOT (Web Of Trust).

    2.Have a Strong Password:

Be it your banking accounts or your social network accounts or any kind of account, a strong password is must. Accounts are made more vulnerable by weak passwords. I suggest to use LastPass to keep your password safe. And most importantly, never keep your name, date of birth, hometowns etc as your passwords. Your password must be long enough and should be a combination of digits, character, case sensitive, symbols etc. must be taken care of.

    3.Review Third Party Apps:

Twitter and other social networks allow a third party to access your account information if you allow them. So it is suggested to have a clear idea of what the app is about and about its reliability. Only allow reliable apps to access your private information.

   4.Ensure Secure Browsing:

Ensure that the URL contains “HTTPS” and not “HTTP”, which means you are browsing in secure mode and the website is secure.

    5.Avoid Sharing Your Location:

It's not a good idea to share your location when you tweet. As not everybody should know our location at all times. To avoid automatic sharing of your location, go to  your Account settings, scroll to “Add location to my tweets” and uncheck the checkbox or delete all the location information.

    6.Tweet Maturely and Responsibly:

Tweet wisely, for we all know, Words Once Spoken Can’t Be Taken Back. So tweet short and cool and choose your words wisely.

So these were some common tips to safeguard your Twitter account from being hacked. The slew of hacks has made it obvious that something needs to be done asap. The company suggested its users to keep a strong password following the cyber attack, which sound to me, an irresponsible Tweet, because keeping a strong password is not enough, the company must introduce two-step authentication. Techno giants like Microsoft is even thinking of implementing multi-factor authentication to ensure security of its users. 

Hopefully twitter may soon implement the same or the other sooner or later.
I hope you enjoyed reading my article. I would be obliged to see your comments below.
Thank You!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to change IP address in every 10 seconds

hide your ip and surf anonymously

This trick will illuminate you on a method using which you can change your ip address in every 10 seconds.
This change in IP address would help you to surf anonymously over the internet without any kind of restriction based on country ,number of view or any other factor.

Change of IP address can be easily done with the help of a free software named as Elite Proxy server

just go to the following website and download one for yourself

Now that you have this software . let me tell me some of its features

Elite Proxy Switcher (Latest version: 1.19)

  • Overview: Elite Proxy Switcher can help you to visit the blocked websites and protect your Internet privacy.
  • How it works: Elite Proxy Switcher changes your IP using a proxy so that the website regards the proxy's IP as your IP. Thus your real IP is hidden.
  • Introduction: Elite Proxy Switcher (EPS) is a proxy software to test and use the proxy list. It can test the details (speed, anonymity, country and whether gatewayssl/httpsdangerous or codeen) of the http proxy and change the proxy settings of your browsers (IE, Firefox and Chrome).

Elite Proxy Switcher Main Features

  • Proxy Checker: professionally test the details of the proxies.
  • Proxy Switcher: quickly change the proxy settings of the browsers.
  • Proxy Downloader: get daily fresh proxy lists by just one click.
  • Proxy Manager: easily maintain your personal proxy list.

Elite Proxy Switcher Screenshot

Elite Proxy Switcher Main Window

Just use this software now and surf anonymously 

NOTE: Don't use this to do illegal activities.This post is for educational purpose only 

Have fun and enjoy !! :D